From the history of wind power use within Czech countries
Humans have been using wind power since the antiquity. The wind propelled sailing vessels, windmills and water pumps. The wind-powered engines can be found already in ancient China. Windmills have been using wind power in the past even within the territory of our today's state. Historically, the first windmill built-up in the territory of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia was documented already in 1277 within the garden of The Strahov Monastery in Prague.
The most fruitful period of Czech wind miller's trade took place in the forties of 19th century, and in the Moravian and Silesian regions it was a little bit later. In total, within the territory of today's Czech Republic there was recorded and historically recognized 879 windmills.
The beginning of modern wind-power plant (WPP) production dates back to the end of eighties of the last century. The blow of these took place in 1990–1995, nevertheless then came the period of stagnation (one third of all 24 wind-power plants that were built-up up to 1995 belonged to a group of nonconforming and high-disturbance technology; some of these plants were built-up in locations of insufficient wind power supply). Early in today's decade there was a tendency to import old WPP that were taken out, then the Act No. 180/2005 put an end to such a trend.
At present new wind-power plants have been installed and work already in two tens of locations within the Czech Republic. The total installed capacity of these has increased during the last year to 150 MW. Nominal output of modern wind-power plants reaches usually 2 MW, and sporadically even up to 3 MW. The production of WPP is usually in the EU countries, especially in Germany. The Czech Republic is even more and more participating in the production of components (shafts, gearboxes, steel towers, nacelles, etc.). Some of the small power plants are being produced here as a whole, and there is also being considered to produce large machines.
High technology of today's wind-power plants balanced the past handicap of ours. For example, the modern machines that we use at present, achieve excellent results in the sphere of rising the wind efficiency. As the development of wind power in the Czech Republic began later than in the countries of Western Europe, our projects are straightly designed with the most modern machines. Thus, we overtook even the traditional world leader of this area – Germany, whose wind-power plants' achieved efficiency makes around 20%. In Germany, wind-power plants are being built-up for twenty years, the average age of WPP is therefore considerably higher and within the context of this fact their average output is lower.