Why to become a member of The Czech Wind Energy Association?
I assume everybody, who has today tried to be engaged more seriously in the field of wind power, i.e. in the sense of preparing modern large wind power plant project, is able to answer this question on his own. Everybody from the above named group knows well that our field within the Czech Republic has no bed of roses and beginning from the point of consideration up to the phase of project execution means to go through a long and thorny way. Major part of the problematic situation in this field has its share in common lack of understanding and poor knowledge in wind-power plants' issue on the part of officials, representatives of local and government authorities and municipal governments.
A solitary investor or a developer, who is trying within such an environment to prepare a project of wind-power plant, began to feel, sooner or later, like he is trying to run his head against the wall. And just at this moment it is good to have „somebody“, who is taking care of this field and is systematically trying by means of negotiations with all respective institutions fight out for our field a „place in the sun“.
The Czech Wind Energy Association (CzWEA or the “ČSVE”) is qualified enough to do so, as it is a professional society of natural persons and corporate bodies that work in the field of wind power use or are related to this field from their interest point of view. Our members are operators of more than 3-years experience in WPP's operation within conditions of the Czech Republic, experts engaged in this field from scientific point of view, as well as people sympathizing and coming from the general public. The society is aimed to support wind power use, especially in the territory of the Czech Republic, based on the latest scientific, technical and economic knowledge, following the interests of civil society. The Czech Wind Energy Association was established in 1994 in the town of Jihlava and registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic on 10th May 1994. In September 1999 the Society became a member of The Renewable Energy Sources Association and in March 2001 became a member of The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).
Thus I am about to answer the question stated in the heading. It is apparent, that the “ČSVE” has already a long-time tradition and its members have their own experience in this field and very often this is a kind of dear-bought experience. Based on this experience we are able to provide support of our members. This is a painstaking work performed by means of numberless negotiations with the authorities, as well as with the media, through which we are trying to improve progressively general awareness related to our field, and thus for our members establish better conditions for their work.
Let's also try it with us!
Mgr. Michal Janeček
President of the „ČSVE“